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Beantown .NET Meeting on Thursday, 11/4/2010: Andy Novick, "Partitioning SQL Server"

Hi All –

Beantown .NET is going to be meeting Thursday, 11/4/2010.  This month we have Andy Novick presenting “Partitioning SQL Server Tables, Views and Indexed Views”. 

As always, our meeting is open to everyone so bring your friends and co-workers – better yet, bring your boss.  Please RSVP by email ( by 3pm on the day of the meeting to help speed your way through building security and to give us an idea how much pizza to order.

Future meetings:

– December 2 – TBA
– January 6 – Richard Hale Shaw, “On Time & Under Budget”
– February 3 – TBA


When: Thursday, 11/4/2010, 6p – 8p
Microsoft NERD
1 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA


Parking: Paid parking is available in 1 Memorial Drive. 

Title: Partitioning SQL Server Tables, Views, and Indexed Views

Partitioning techniques in SQL Server help the developer and DBA manage large quantities of data and improve query performance in a variety of situations.  This presentation demonstrates the techniques used for Partitioned Tables, Partitioned Views, and Partition Aligned Indexed Views.

Reasons for partitioning in both OLTP and data warehouse applications will be disused along with these topics: Partitioning Basics, Hash Partitioning, Aligned vs. unaligned indexes, Index Views Basic, Index placement in Aligned and unaligned partitioning.

The topics include features from SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008. Come learn about these powerful schema design techniques.


Andrew Novick is a developer/consultant and SQL Server MVP with 25 years in the computer industry and a focus on SQL Server and Microsoft .Net.  His practice includes designing databases, query optimization, analysis of performance problems, and building business applications.  His writings include the books Transact-SQL User-Defined Functions and “SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled.  You can find additional articles on his web site:


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