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WebApi Core / Swagger: “failed to load API definition” error

I was working with some ASP.NET WebApi code and needed to test something using the Swagger UI. Usually, it’s just a matter of starting the project and going to your /swagger directory. Unfortunately, in this case, I went to my swagger URL and got an error saying “Failed to load API definition — Fetch error — Internal Server Error /swagger/v1/swagger.json.” How do you fix this error?

The Swagger UI error

I knew that it used to work but I’d just updated about a half zillion things in my code including upgrading to .NET Core 5 so I wasn’t really sure what broke it. I assumed the worst.

The dev tools in Edge was showing me that it was trying to access swagger.json but it was getting an HTTP 500 error. My guess was that I had a configuration problem in Startup.cs and that the swagger.json file either wasn’t being generated or it was in the wrong place. I checked a bunch of stuff and didn’t find anything.

The call to get swagger.json returns HTTP 500
The call to get swagger.json was returning HTTP 500

I eventually started to figure out what was going wrong when I opened that call to swagger.json in its own tab.

The error message on that HTTP 500 to swagger.json

The actual error message says that there’s an “ambiguous HTTP method for action”. I wasn’t really sure what that meant by helpfully the error message pointed me at the WebApi endpoint action that was causing the problem. Rather than being a problem with some kind of swagger config, the error was coming from the code that I’d just been working on.

Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SwaggerGeneratorException: Ambiguous HTTP method for action - SwaggerError.WebApi.Controllers.WeatherForecastController.Overview (SwaggerError.WebApi). Actions require an explicit HttpMethod binding for Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0
   at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SwaggerGenerator.GenerateOperations(IEnumerable`1 apiDescriptions, SchemaRepository schemaRepository)
   at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SwaggerGenerator.GeneratePaths(IEnumerable`1 apiDescriptions, SchemaRepository schemaRepository)
   at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SwaggerGenerator.GetSwagger(String documentName, String host, String basePath)
   at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext, ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)

Here’s the code that’s causing the problem:

public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
    public ActionResult Overview(int? id)
        return Ok(id);

Looks pretty ordinary, right? Nothing to exciting here. So what’s broken? What’s “ambiguous” about this? It’s missing the HttpGet attribute.

public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
    public ActionResult Overview(int? id)
        return Ok(id);

As soon as I added that missing [HttpGet] attribute, the Swagger UI was working again.


In short, the problem was a problem in my code. I’d assumed that my WebApi controller action would default to HTTP GET but it seems that that doesn’t agree with Swagger. As soon as I added that missing attribute, everything was fine.

I hope this helps.


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12 responses to “WebApi Core / Swagger: “failed to load API definition” error”

  1. themayneline Avatar

    Thanks… you pointed me right at my problem that I had been banging my head against the wall on for about 3 hours. The Attributes were missing from my function

    public async Task<IActionResult> RequestPartialReport(short schoolId, int applicationId)

  2. Ben Day Avatar

    Glad you got it figured out!

  3. maarten Avatar

    Thanks! I didn’t know what to do but this was such a simple fix. Thanks!

  4. jackson Avatar

    Great Thank You So much. I wasted 2 days on this error Now its resolved

  5. nhattpm98 Avatar

    Great Thank You So much. <3

  6. nas Avatar

    how about HttpPut, I have same error. I have [HttpPut(name=”Myroute”)]

  7. Bruno Avatar

    Thank you, this: “I eventually started to figure out what was going wrong when I opened that call to swagger.json in its own tab.” helped 🙂 Cheers

  8. Pavel Quevedo Avatar
    Pavel Quevedo

    Thank you! you just saved my day.

  9. shahanaj Avatar

    Thanks a lot. This help me a lot.

  10. Aravind Soman Avatar
    Aravind Soman

    Thanks. Worked for me.

  11. Jeremy Aker Avatar
    Jeremy Aker

    Save my bacon!

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