Tip: How to Skip a Continuous Integration Build for an Azure DevOps Git Commit

July 16, 2021
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It doesn't happen a lot but sometimes you've got a git commit that you know that there's no reason to build. For example, you're committing a change to a Git repo and that change only has some minor documentation change. Basically, it's something that would never effect a build or a release so there's no point triggering your Azure DevOps continuous integration / continuous deploy pipeline.

Well, there's an easy way to skip the CI/CD pipeline. Add one of the following strings to your git commit message:

  • [skip ci]
  • [ci skip]
  • skipchecks: true
  • [skip azurepipelines]
  • [azurepipelines skip]
  • [skip azpipelines]
  • [azpipelines skip]
  • [skip azp]
  • [azp skip]
  • ***NO_CI***

BTW, that last one (***NO_CI***) works with builds that use Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC), too.

The one caveat is that this 'skip' directive has to be in the LAST commit that you push. So if you're pushing 10 commits to your remote git server and the 'skip' is in commit 5 but not commit 10, it will be ignored.

Hope this helps.

-- Want some help with Azure DevOps and Git? How about Git and GitHub? Want to migrate your gnarly TFVC repository over to Git? We can help. Drop us a line at info@benday.com.

Tags: azure-devops git