Tag: C#

  • Call to IIS-Hosted WCF Service Hangs IIS (well, not exactly)

    I ran into this problem a couple of days ago.  I’m working on an n-tier application that uses WCF services hosted in IIS under Vista & Windows 2008.  We’ve got unit tests to test each tier and they were mostly passing. We unit test our service code both directly by reference (unhosted) and then unit…

  • Fix: Team Foundation Server Reports broken after upgrade from TFS 2008 Beta 2 to TFS 2008 RTM

    I did an upgrade today from TFS beta2 to RTM.  Everything worked fine except for the reports. All the reports gave the following error: “Logon failed. (rsLogonFailed) Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007052E)” After a few minutes, the error message has changed over to: “Logon failed. (rsLogonFailed) The referenced…

  • Beantown .NET Meeting in Waltham on 1/31 with David Chappell

    Beantown .NET is doing a special joint meeting with Boston .NET, Boston .NET Architecture, and New England Visual Basic Professionals user groups at Microsoft in Waltham on Thursday, January 31.  (Thanks to Chris Bowen for organizing this.) For this meeting we have David Chappell presenting “Understanding Software + Services”. As always, our meeting is open…

  • Quoted in an article on multicore development

    Newsflash– I got quoted last week in an article about Microsoft’s Parallel Extensions for .NET 3.5 by Jack Vaughn.  (Thanks, Jack!) -Ben

  • VSLive Austin 2007 Slides & Code

    Last week I was speaking at VSLive Austin 2007. Here are some links to download my slides and sample code. Serious ASP.NET WebPart Customization (slides) / (code) Serious Team Foundation Server Customization (slides) / (code) Serious Team Foundation Server Source Control (slides) / (code) Worshipping LINQ to SQL(Joint session with Richard Hale Shaw) (slides) Workshop…

  • Custom Lazy-loadable Business Collections with NHibernate

    I was at VSLive Las Vegas last week and one of my talks was on NHibernate development.  One of the guys who was in my session came up to me and asked “how do I create my own custom collection that I can use in NHibernate that still lets me do lazy loading?”  The core…

  • Run Unit Tests With Automatic DBPro DB Deploy from a Team Build

    This time I’m genuinely surprised that no one has tackled this and posted it on a blog or to the DBPro or Team System forums. When you add a unit test for a stored procedure in Visual Studio Team System for Database Professionals (DBPro) for the first time, you get the dialog asking how you…