Tag: C#

  • Beantown .NET User Group Meeting on 11/5/2009: 4 Short Talks on Developer Utilities

    Beantown .NET is going to be meeting on Thursday, 11/5/2009.  This month we’ll be doing 4 short topics about 4 different development utilities presented by Beantown members. The talks will be: · Nick Parker on JetBrains’ dotTrace Code Profiler · Shaun Avery on Firebug · Jason Haley on PowerCommands for Reflector · Ben Day (me)…

  • ITNAmerica / Microsoft Software + Services Case Study (plus Team Foundation Server)

    One of my clients just got featured in a Microsoft case study about Software + Services.  ITNAmerica is based in Portland, Maine and provides flexible transportation options for seniors who are no longer able to drive. The Microsoft case study features the scalability and flexibility features of ITN’s SOA-based architecture and their success with Microsoft’s…

  • Article: “Eliminate Database Dependencies in Test-Driven Development”

    My first magazine article is up!  (Yay!)  Eliminate Database Dependencies in Test-Driven Development How to avoid the end-to-end integration test problem with the Repository pattern. By Benjamin Day 09/01/2009 Many developers are tasked with writing unit tests as test-first design and development becomes commonplace, even on teams that aren’t strictly practicing Agile methodologies. Test-driven development…

  • Beantown .NET Meeting on 9/10/2009 with Richard Hale Shaw presenting “.NET 4.0 Parallel Extensions”

    Beantown .NET is going to be meeting on Thursday, 9/10/2009 after our summer vacation.  This month we have Richard Hale Shaw coming to present “.NET on MultiCore Systems: Programming the .NET 4.0 Parallel Extensions”.  As always, our meeting is open to everyone so bring your friends and co-workers – better yet, bring your boss. It…

  • You’ve got to do basic maintenance.

    As we’re coming up on the release of Visual Studio 2010, I’ve been getting questions from clients about their upgrade strategy – should I upgrade to Visual Studio Team System 2008 now or wait and jump from VS2005 to VS2010?  The answer — like lots of things in software — is “it depends.”  The important…

  • ASP.NET MVC Framework Project Type is Missing.

    I went looking to create an ASP.NET MVC Framework project and found that the project type template was missing.  I googled/binged around for a while and couldn’t come up with an answer. Looking at this site I thought that it was saying that all you had to do to get the project types was to…

  • Team Suite 2008 Developer Machine Install

    For the last few days, I’ve been working on building student machines for the Visual Studio Team System / Team Foundation Server class that I’m teaching next week in Cambridge.  The complexity of the install reminded me of the confusion that one of my recent clients had trying to pull together all their licenses, ISO…

  • Beantown .NET Meeting on 4/2/09 — The Unit Testing Throwdown

    The Beantown .NET User Group is meeting this Thursday, 4/2/09.  The topic for this month’s meeting is Unit Testing.  More specifically, it’s “The Unit Testing Throwdown.”  We’ll be discussing a range of topics in unit testing with the hope of establishing a list of real-world best practices.  This will also be our first meeting at…

  • Waltham Code Camp March 2009 — Unit Testing Code and Slides

    I presented at the Waltham, MA Code Camp this past weekend.  Here are my slides and code for my unit testing talk.  -Ben

  • BDC, Inc. Public Training Schedule for March & April 2009

    After a numerous requests from potential students, I’ve finally gotten around to scheduling some open-enrollment classes here in the Boston-area.  I’m going to be teaching my Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) / Team Foundation Server (TFS) class, Test-Driven Development, and NHibernate classes in Cambridge, MA throughout March and April 2009.  Here’s the schedule: 3/23/09 –…