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Rocky Lhotka @ Beantown .NET User Group, 4/29/2009

The Beantown .NET User Group is going to be doing a special event on Wednesday, 4/29/09.  We’ve got Rocky Lhotka from Magenic coming to talk about user interface design patterns and how they relate to n-tier & business object architectures.

As always, our meeting is open to everyone so bring your friends and co-workers. It is not required to RSVP for our meetings but if you know you’re coming, Click here to RSVP to help speed your way through building security and give us an idea how much pizza to order.

Future meetings:

· May 7 – Joseph Hill, Mono
· June 4 – TBA


Title: CSLA .NET as the ‘M’ in MVC/MVP/MVVM
When: Wednesday, 4/29/09, 6p – 8p
Microsoft NERD
1 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA


Parking: Paid parking is available in 1 Memorial Drive. 

Building a UI today can feel like wading into alphabet soup with MVC, MVP, MVVM and numerous other consonant-heavy acronyms. Nearly all of these patterns have one thing in common: the letter ‘M’, which stands for “Model”. The Model is the part of the application responsible for things like business and data processing, and is arguably the core of the application.

CSLA .NET is one of the most widely used development frameworks on the .NET and Silverlight platforms. The primary focus of CSLA .NET is to help in the creation of a rich object-oriented business layer that expresses the needs of the business domain model. In other words, CSLA .NET is all about helping create a powerful object model for an application. It should come as no surprise then, that CSLA .NET can fit naturally into many of the UI patterns.

At the same time, many of the UI patterns were devised on non-.NET platforms where powerful RAD concepts like data binding and UI designers don’t exist. Due to this, many of the “traditional” uses of these patterns prevent the use of productive RAD concepts and tooling, and that is an unforgivable loss. In this talk, Rocky will discuss how CSLA .NET helps implement powerful models, and how the most common UI patterns can be used to reap their benefit, without giving up the power of .NET itself.

Rockford Lhotka, Principal Technology Evangelist, Magenic

Rockford Lhotka is the author of numerous books, including the new Expert C# 2008 Business Objects book. He is a Microsoft Regional Director, MVP and INETA speaker. He contributes to several major magazines and regularly presents at major conferences around the world. Rockford is the Principal Technology Evangelist for Magenic (, a company focused on delivering business value through applied technology and one of the nation’s premiere Microsoft Gold Certified Partners. For more information go to


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