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Article: Tombstoning and the Zen of Async for Windows Phone

My first article for MSDN Magazine got posted recently.  Tombstoning and the Zen of Async for Windows Phone.


This article talks about some lessons that I learned the hard way developing (and later completely re-writing) my first application for Windows Phone 7. 




2 responses to “Article: Tombstoning and the Zen of Async for Windows Phone”

  1. Joe Lepore Avatar
    Joe Lepore

    Wow .. that is a fantastic article. I haven’t started any WM7 programming yet, but had looked at the whole tombstone stuff and frankly ran away screaming. Your solution really does make it a trivial thing and creates a much better architecture as well.

    It also makes a lot of sense to do the local caching that way. Was looking at figuring out how to add caching to an existing app that does a lot of web services stuff, and this fairly minor redesign can totally solve that problem too.

    I hope this is the first in many more articles in MSDN!

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