Category: Uncategorized

  • Slides from VSLive Austin 2018: “Coaching Skills for Scrum Masters”

    Slides from VSLive Austin 2018: “Coaching Skills for Scrum Masters”

    Just got back from speaking at VSLive Austin 2018.  As promised, here are my slides for that talk. Coaching Skills for Scrum Masters & The Self-Organizing Team Scrum works best with — arguably, requires — a self-organizing team. If you want a high-performing and self-organizing team, it helps if your Scrum Master thinks like a…

  • Deploy Entity Framework Core 2.0 Migrations from a DLL

    Deploy Entity Framework Core 2.0 Migrations from a DLL

    (UPDATE 7/5/2018: If you’re using EF Core 2.1, you’ll probably want to read the updated version of this post.) In a previous blog post, I discussed how difficult it is to deploy Entity Framework Core migrations from the compiled binaries of your project.  It’s still difficult to do.  You might be thinking, “well, why even…

  • Force ‘dotnet publish’ to publish dependencies using PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest

    Force ‘dotnet publish’ to publish dependencies using PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest

    I ran into a problem today doing an automated build for a ASP.NET Core 2 project and then trying to deploy the output.  From the command line, I ran “dotnet publish -o c:\temp\presidents” to build and publish the code for my ASP.NET Core web application.  Then I went to the directory that I just published…

  • Manually Install & Manage Extensions on TFS

    Manually Install & Manage Extensions on TFS

    It’s easy to install 3rd party extensions (read: new awesome features & utilities) on to your Team Foundation Server (TFS) directly from  But with everything in the technology world, sometimes things go a little wonky and you need to skip the easy stuff and do things manually. TL;DR: Open a browser.  Go here.  http://{server-name}:8080/tfs/_gallery/manage…

  • Update: TFS2018 Install Guide v1.1

    Update: TFS2018 Install Guide v1.1

    I just pushed an update to my Team Foundation Server 2018 (TFS2018) install guide.  This update has a couple of new guides in it related to configuring build servers. Here’s the current list of chapters (chapters in italics are new): Install Windows Server 2016 Install SQL Server 2017 for TFS2018 Install Team Foundation Server 2018…

  • Howto: Install TFS2018 / VSTS Build Agent on Windows Server Core

    Howto: Install TFS2018 / VSTS Build Agent on Windows Server Core

    Here’s a guide to walk you through the process of creating a build server on Windows Server Core.  If you’re not already familiar with Windows Server Core, here’s a quick overview.  Think of it as Windows Server 2016 with all the extra, unnecessary stuff pulled out.  This means that it uses a lot less disk…

  • How to download a file on Windows Core

    How to download a file on Windows Core

    Windows Core is great.  Smaller disk footprint.  Less memory usage.  Boots up super-fast.  But with these benefits comes some caveats — for example, no web browser. So then when you need to download a file or download an installer, how do you do it?  The answer is…POWERSHELL TO THE RESCUE!!! Here’s a PowerShell script to download…

  • Deploy to Azure from TFS using an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint

    Deploy to Azure from TFS using an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint

    [TL;DR — You need an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint and some values from Azure.  There’s a link to a PowerShell script at the bottom of this post that’ll help.  You’ll probably still need to read this blog post though.  Sorry.  I know.  Reading is hard.] Deploying from Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to Azure…

  • How to fix “msdeploy.exe failed with return code: 2148734720”

    How to fix “msdeploy.exe failed with return code: 2148734720”

    I’m trying to deploy to an Azure AppService using an on-premise build/release agent and Team Foundation Server 2018.  This usually isn’t a problem but this time was difficult.  Part of the problem is that I’m trying to run a TFS Release from an agent that’s installed on Windows Server Core Build 1709. When I ran…

  • TFS Build Agent Fails to Configure & Run with TFS2018 Self-Signed SSL Certificate

    TFS Build Agent Fails to Configure & Run with TFS2018 Self-Signed SSL Certificate

    A last week I wrote about fixing some problems between Git and Team Foundation Server 2018 when TFS is configured to use a self-signed SSL certificate for HTTPS.  Well, after I got that part working, I found a new problem while trying to configure a TFS build agent that would talk to my self-signed SSL…