Fix: Azure App Services Log Stream is Empty for .NET Core App
When you’re trying to debug your .NET Core app that’s running on an Azure App Service, the Log Stream is an essential tool. So how do you connect the console logs from your .NET Core app to the Log Stream output?
GitRepoSync: Manage Your Git Repository Sprawl
Do you have a gigantic sprawling mess of git repositories that you care about? I’ve written a utility called GitRepoSync to help you to manage the Git repository mess.
“How to Fix a Failing Project”: Slides from VSLive Las Vegas 2023
I just got back from speaking at VSLive Las Vegas 2023 and here are my slides & code samples from my “How to Fix a Failing Project” talk.
Azure DevOps YAML: Slides / Code from VSLive Las Vegas 2023
My slides and code samples from my Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines talk at VSLive Las Vegas 2023.
How to Predict the Future With Azure DevOps & Flow Metrics
Yes, you can predict the future. Well, maybe more like forecast the future. And Azure DevOps can help. Enter Flow Metrics & Throughput.
.NET Core Solution & Project Utilities (slnutil)
Announcing the Solution & Project Utilities (slnutil)! These are a collection of the handy utilities that I’ve written for working with .NET Core Solutions, Projects, and configuration files. I hope you find them useful.
How to Customize Azure DevOps to Streamline Scrum Product Backlog Refinement
Want to make Scrum Product Backlog Refinement a lot easier in Azure DevOps? Try adding these simple customizations.
New Course: Implementing Scrum with Azure DevOps
New Course! Implementing Scrum with Azure DevOps! Whether you’ve been using Scrum and Azure DevOps for forever or you’re just starting out, there’s plenty of great content and tips for you. This course will give you and your team a jumpstart (or a helpful tune-up) for using Azure DevOps to deliver software with Scrum.
Azure DevOps Utilities (azdoutil)
Announcing Azure DevOps Utilities (adzoutil)! These are a collection of the handy utilities that I’ve written for Azure DevOps over the years. I hope you find them useful.
Enforce Code Coverage as Part of Pull Requests in Azure DevOps
Did you know that you can enforce code coverage as part of pull requests in Azure DevOps? Here’s how to set it up.